How to create a life that makes you happy • Part 2

**If you haven’t completed Part 1, I invite you to do so! The first four steps can be found through the link here.

Creating a life that makes you truly, madly, deeply happy doesn’t just require clarity. It also asks you to become an aligned match for the life you’re calling in. These last 3 steps will help you do just that ✨ Scroll down to keep reading!

STEP FIVE: Amplify Your Frequency

Notice when you feel like your most magnetic, vibrant self. What people, places, and experiences bring out the best in you? Step into that frequency as much as possible. Also notice who or what might be bringing you down. Energetically release whatever is dimming your light and not needed.

STEP SIX: Set Intentions

Changing your life starts with simply changing your day. Begin setting intentions for the life you want to manifest to create an opportunity for growth, rather than repeating an unconscious negative pattern. Start by becoming aware of your thoughts — your internal dialogue is the soundtrack to your life and creates the lens through which you experience your reality. If you’re looking for a powerful way to set super-charged intentions, I teach how to do so in Lesson 2 of the Dream Catcher Course ✨


It is key to set your intentions from your most clear, elevated sense of self, and then RELEASE it…allow things to unfold organically, just as they’re meant to, for the highest good of yourself and everyone around you.


Why you need to step out of your comfort zone


How to create a life that makes you happy • Part 1