How to create a life that makes you happy • Part 1

Are you ready to create the most expansive version of your life?

If so, here is a simple introductory practice that I love to teach to my Dream Catcher Course community. The transformation you will see from this is truly magical ✨

While simple, this practice goes deep — so I’ve split this up into two blog posts. Give yourself the gift of taking your time and being present throughout each step :)

STEP ONE: Get Still

If you want to bring something new into your life, the first step is becoming still so that you can bring profound awareness to your life rather than operating on autopilot. Being still means facing yourself without distraction and taking a deliberate pause to be where you’re currently at. A seated meditation with conscious breathing is a great way to achieve this.

STEP TWO: Evaluate

Once you’re fully present, assess how satisfied you are in the following categories:

  • HEALTH (physical/mental/emotional)



  • HOME (physical environment)





Rate your satisfaction level for each of them from 1-10, and then go further into detail about the current state of each aspect of your life. Describe what fulfills you as well as what leaves you feeling unsatisfied in each area.

STEP THREE: Take Responsibility

You create your own reality. Therefore, you need to claim full responsibility for everything that you have manifested thus far. That means giving yourself credit for all of the amazing goodness you’ve created up until this point, as well as recognizing that you play a pivotal role in ALL experiences you’ve encountered throughout your life. If there are aspects of your life that you are dissatisfied with, accept that you co-created the situation. This should be empowering, knowing that it is also you who is going to change it. In order to amplify your life, you must first see how powerful your role is in its creation.

STEP FOUR: Inquire (Without Judgement)

Ask yourself why you created the current situations in your life. What lessons does your soul need to learn? Are there repeated lessons that you still can’t seem to grasp? Use this process of self study as an opportunity to question your programmed belief system and whether or not certain beliefs or behaviors are still serving you.

Ready for Part 2? Click here to read the next blog.


How to create a life that makes you happy • Part 2