Manifestation Sessions.

Manifestation is the ability to create a reality in the physical, external world that matches your soul’s true desires. Simply put, this means that you hold the key to making all of your dreams into a waking reality, if you choose to.

Jessie will help you step into optimal alignment, develop a sense of unconditional self love and hold the unwavering belief that you are truly worthy of your dream reality. Through working together, you will examine + shift the limiting beliefs and unconscious patterns that are blocking you from being in your highest energetic, magnetic flow.

below are three options for working with jessie in this capacity

private one-on-one sessions

The first manifesting session is an hour deep dive into all aspects of your life. This creates context, evaluating in detail what needs to be released/shifted in all areas of your life.  Jessie will help you take thorough inventory in each realm of existence, exploring sense of purpose in your life, connection to self and others, self care routines, etc. Together you’ll identify where you’re currently at and where you would ideally like to be in each area, and then navigate how to find optimal alignment.

Subsequent sessions will be highly individualized and vary depending on the needs of the client and may include guided meditations, journaling prompts, energy work, creativity exercises, cord cutting, and more.  Jessie will assist you in creating clear intentions and from there, act as a guide in helping you hone your energy, stepping into your highest reality and unblocking anything perceived to be in your way.

Length: 60 min/session

Payment is required at the time of booking to reserve your spot. Please honor the 24-hour cancellation policy.

group manifestation workshops

Workshops are an opportunity to work with Jessie in a group setting, creating your dream reality while building deep bonds and meaningful connections.  

You’ll experience a multi-sensory journey incorporating various modalities such as meditation, aromatherapy, journaling, and guided visualization. Workshops are a powerful and transformational experience to share with friends/ co-workers/ business partners/ family members etc.

Length: 90 min

relationship coaching

Elevate your relationship to reflect each partner's highest truth. Improve communication, identify + release toxic patterns, set powerful intentions together and manifest your most vibrant, dream reality going forward. (Great for romantic partners, business partners, family members, etc.)

Length: 90 min