The power of attention

A few weeks ago I was having a conversation with a member in the Dream Catcher Course about the power of our attention, and it reminded me of a training I did on my Instagram (I’ll link this below).

When manifesting, the universe doesn’t know the difference between what you “don’t want” vs. what you “do want” - it simply mirrors back and delivers to you whatever you are focusing on, paying attention to and especially that which you charge with powerful emotions.

Here’s an analogy of how the universe responds when we place our attention on something we don’t want. Watch this video and then do the exercise at the bottom of this post!


Click the photo above to be taken to the video.

After watching the video, if you would like to take this example even further, I encourage you to try this exercise:


This is a gentle practice of shifting our awareness and becoming skillful with creating our reality. As you become aware of what you don’t want, you are then able to create a positive focus towards the things that you do want.

  1. Write down everything it is that you don’t want on a piece of paper.

  2. After that, write down very precisely what you would like in your current reality instead.

  3. Next, write down where you would like your attention to go to create a desired outcome, rather than creating based on negative attention towards what you don’t want.

This is how you begin to consciously order up what you ACTUALLY want to experience 📝👌


How to become magnetic


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