How to become magnetic

Today’s manifestation lesson is on silencing the voice in your mind that is worried about what other people think.

When I work 1:1 with manifestation clients, a common problem they encounter is avoiding the things that truly light them up out of fear of external judgement. In essence, they feel trapped in their life because they are living based off of external validation.

If this is something you struggle with as well, this is the blog post for you!

When we live our lives based off of the approval of others, it often leads to a place of disappointment and feeling unfulfilled in our lives. This is because our measure of success is always based on someone else’s approval.

Life is too short to be imprisoned by how you perceive other people think about you. Not only is it painful and constricting, but it also takes away your magnetism.

To begin taking your power back and reclaim your inner magnetism, I invite you to ask yourself what your measure of success is and how you want to feel. Let this become your north star for making values-based decisions about your life. Creating this intention is powerful as it is a tool you can come back to instead of staying stuck or paralyzed by the fear of how others might judge you.


If you need a little extra support in reclaiming your magnetism, try this journalling exercise:

  1. How do you want to feel on a daily basis?

  2. What lights you up and makes you feel most authentically you?

After journalling, begin taking small action towards the things that light you up. It could be as small as wearing something that reflects your true style and vibrance. You can then move on to bigger things, such as things you want to say to others.

Be free! This is your life and the secret to manifesting a life that you truly love.

Although it might feel nerve-wracking at first, it will become easier over time. As you take aligned action as the future version of yourself, you will be amazed at the manifestations that begin to flow into your life. As always, if you would like additional support in becoming the most aligned and magnetic version of yourself, the Dream Catcher Course will help you do just that. I would be honored to guide you on your journey ✨

Jessie x


The secret to manifesting your dream life


The power of attention